Apply to W&J
Washington & 杰斐逊学院的招生人员寻找具有非凡诚信的候选人, academic excellence and promise, and a diverse range of interests and backgrounds. det365app会根据你的优点来审查和评估你的申请. You can apply using the W&J application or the Common App. 无论提交形式如何,所有申请均一视同仁.
Admission Details
了解更多det365app的招生人员在审查您的申请时考虑的因素, which materials are required, 提前决定和常规决定申请的截止日期.
Score Optional Policy
你不需要提交考试成绩(SAT或ACT)作为华盛顿的一部分 & Jefferson College admission process. We believe engagement with distinguished faculty, involvement in the classroom, diligent study habits, 以及对卓越的强烈渴望推动了华盛顿的学术成功 & Jefferson College. 考试只是衡量潜在学业成功的众多标准之一,而且往往不是最有力的标准. If you choose the score-optional application alternative, your application receives full consideration, with no disadvantage for admission.